Simply head to our website and click Register. Enter your details and agree to our terms and conditions.
Minimum age is 13 years of age.
No. That is a great feature compared to some other virtual airlines. We understand life can get in the way and can only fly when able. We do not suspend or terminate your registration because of this. All we ask is that if you no longer wish to participate in Aussie Virtual is to let us know so we can remove your account as per the privacy policy.
We have an extensive range of awards. From flight hours, Milk Run Mondays, tours and the list goes on.
Please use the contact link on this webpage to contact us however…
If your matter relates to support for anything to do with logins, registrations, schedule request/amendments, discord login, pilot accounts, CEO Contact (see description) or the crew centre please use the support ticket. Support via the contact us form will not be replied to as we cannot keep track of support this way.
Please refer to our pilot’s handbook which will hopefully have what you are looking for.
If not, please reach out via our support ticket form.
That’s great!
For all current vacant staffing positions please go here –